The What If
The Apostle Paul points out the fact that we can only see in a mirror dimly (1 Co. 13:12 NASB), but our Creator sees the purpose-picture perfectly clear. Reconciliation and continual communion with Him, makes evident the giftedness in each of us and illuminates the path of purpose. That’s the beauty of the Master Plan—a Master Plan that includes a unique design for every snowflake reflecting God’s creativity.
We are all His prisms, bending His white light into infinite unique hues, coloring this world in beautiful ways that all point back to their source: Our Creator.
Not long ago, the faith community was conflicted; the realization was that we long ago gave away the birthright of creativity to a secular, scientific mindset. We had forgotten from whence we came—In the Beginning. Today, many still find themselves trying to reconcile what to do with the creative spirit. Outside forces try to contain and control it when it is meant to be free, without form inside of us, and then purely released as a unique expression in the context of a relationship with the Creator, in a way that honors Him and blesses others. The more we exemplify our creative spirit in positive accountable ways, the more we manifest the Creator’s intention in our lives.
Accountability for how we express ourselves, is a key component that is often overlooked or denied. Out of a desire to entertain, artists often create without regard for accountability to their Creator or to society. Audiences in turn look to be entertained with little or no regard for discernment. We seek out art in its various forms without considering any underlying message attached that often contributes to societal ills.
The traditional assumptions by many suggest that the arts are suspect and can lead to spiritual or moral denigration. They assume the answer is no to the following misapplied questions frequently asked: Can the arts lead to spiritual transformation? Can they provoke people to ask the right questions; do the right things? Can they make a positive difference?
At the Shae Foundation, we believe that our Creator intended that the answer to these questions is yes. Expressing our creative spirit is the natural way the Creator intended us to glorify him and serve one another. Inspiring through the arts is the key to planting seeds that change, enrich, and save lives.
Our mission is to lead by example, making a positive impact in the lives of artists, encouraging, inspiring, and guiding them in using their Creator-centered gifts in service to their local and global community. It is to that end that we believe it essential to nurture the creative spirit in all of us.